Who is Brayden Schenn's wife? What we know about St. Louis Blues captain's partner Kelsey Soehn

Publish date: 2024-06-02

Brayden Schenn, the captain of the St. Louis Blues, is not just known for his prowess on the ice but also for a significant other in his life -- Kelsey Soehn, his wife. The two fell for each other long before Brayden's NHL career, during their high school days. With time, their relationship evolved, leading to their marriage.

Kelsey, Brayden's wife, is not just a supportive partner but also a professional in her own right. She is a chiropractor practicing at "Okanagan Health & Performance." She has a degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science from the University of Saskatchewan.

The couple resides in Canada, where Schenn plays in the NHL. This decision reflects their commitment to each other and provides a sense of stability amid the demands of professional hockey.

The couple welcomed their first child in February 2022, becoming parents and adding a new dimension to their lives. The couple celebrated their relationship in a memorable wedding ceremony in July, which had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event brought together not only family and friends but also a remarkable roster of NHL players, past and present. It shows the profound respect and camaraderie that Schenn enjoys within the hockey community.

Beyond the glitz and glamour of professional hockey, Schenn's partnership with Soehn is a heartwarming tale of love, commitment and shared experiences. Their journey from high school to now as parents reflects the personal side of this NHL star and continues to inspire people both within and outside the hockey world.

St. Louis Blues appointed Brayden Schenn as captain

The St. Louis Blues have officially appointed Schenn as the 24th captain in the franchise's history.

This announcement came on Monday, marking the end of a captaincy vacancy that arose after Ryan O'Reilly's move to the Toronto Maple Leafs last year. Schenn, who has been a part of the St. Louis Blues since 2017, expressed his gratitude for being chosen as the team's new captain.

“I don’t think it has set in yet, to be honest. The history of this franchise, the great captains they’ve had, and now getting your own name added to that extraordinary list, it’s a huge honor that I’m thankful for.”

He further shared that he is excited about the new opportunity as an ice hockey captain.

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