Jey Uso is being stalked? Fans raise concern following TikToker's latest post

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Jey Uso has been trending on social media as of late. The Uso was allegedly the victim of privacy invasion after his address was seemingly leaked on the internet by a TikTok user. The account has since been banned from the social media platform.

Apparently, a woman going by the name of 'billiethebully' has been stalking Jey Uso for quite some time. Another clip of the woman doubling down on her antics was shared on Twitter. In the video, the woman can be seen saying she doesn't care if Jey Uso is married.

Fans of Jey took to social media to share their thoughts on the matter. Many raised concerns over the alleged invasion of privacy and asked the authorities concerned to take appropriate action against the alleged culprit.

Check out some of the reactions below:

As of this writing, Jey hasn't responded to his address allegedly being shared on social media. His most recent Instagram story was from 12 hours ago. Jey had posted a clip of him knocking out Rey Mysterio during their tag team match last Friday on SmackDown.

Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso have recently been lambasted by Roman Reigns on WWE television

The Usos and Roman Reigns are not seeing eye to eye these days. The Tribal Chief is disappointed with the brothers, and his frustration only continues to grow with each passing day. Reigns' treatment of Jimmy and Jey stems from their losing the Undisputed Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania 39.

The Tribal Chief is also irate because The Usos dedicated their title rematch to Reigns and then went on to lose. This has led to Roman shoving Jimmy and Jey Uso on multiple occasions and even asking them to apologize.

Roman Reigns is now set to team up with Solo Siko against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship on the May 27 premium live event. Fans believe that Jey could be the catalyst that will bring about Reigns' first pinfall loss in 1,258 days.

An indignant Jey Uso could cost The Bloodline the loss and lead to a breakup of the stable. This could, in turn, lead to the brothers turning face and going after Roman Reigns.

It remains to be seen how the event will go down this Saturday.

What are your predictions for WWE Night of Champions? Let us know in the comments section below!

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