Is Aurora Vegan?

Publish date: 2024-04-12

Aurora is a Norweigan singer, songwriter, record producer, and eco-warrior who is on a quest to save Mother Earth in whatever way she can. Because of her pro-environment stance, many people find themselves wondering: is Aurora vegan? 

Aurora is not vegan but she is a pescatarian which means that while she does not eat red meat, she eats fish, eggs, and other animal by-products. Despite not being a vegan herself, Aurora encourages her fans to become vegan if this is something they’re interested in.

Let’s find out more about who Aurora is, what her dietary preferences are, and how she gives back to the Mother Earth she loves so much. 

Who is Aurora?

On 15 June 1996, Aurora Aksnes was born in Stavanger, Norway. She grew up with two older sisters, named Miranda and Viktoria, in Os, which is near Bergen. 

Her childhood was full of woodlands, the Os mountains, and nature. She began playing the piano when she was six years old and began writing songs at the age of nine, once she had a better grasp of the English language.

The star released her first song ‘Puppet’ in December of 2012, and her second song ‘Awakening’ in May of 2013. She had many successful songs, but it was her third single in 2015 — a song called ‘Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) that propelled her to fame. 

This song saw Aurora leaving summer festivals like the Green Man Festival and heading to events like the Nobel Peace Prize Concert. She received international recognition for her cover of ‘Half the World Away’ for the 2015 John Lewis Christmas advert. 

Since then, Aurora has become a global singing sensation and she has used her platform to covey important political messages, with a strong focus on protecting the environment. 

Aurora is known for being incredibly eccentric, and more than a little ‘out there’ For instance, she doesn’t like glitter, is scared of the sun, and has two pets; an algae ball named Igor Septimus and a balloon named Manchesto.

Why is Aurora Pescetarian? 

Because of her environmentalist attitude, many people assume that Aurora is vegan. But she does not follow a vegan diet, at least not yet. 

Instead, Aurora follows a pescetarian diet. What this means, in her words, is “I don’t eat meat, I just eat fish”. 

She clarified in the comments section of her Instagram that she only ate fish if she knew where the fish was sourced.  

When she released her single ‘The Seed’, Aurora encouraged others to decrease their demand on Mother Earth by “becoming a vegetarian/ pescatarian/ vegan” along with making other changes like buying second-hand clothing, banishing single-use plastic, recycling, or using a wooden toothbrush.

Aurora told the Evening Standard, “I am fighting for everything that can’t fight for itself, which is the planet, the children, animals, sometimes the women, sometimes the men.”

She eats carrots, chocolate, baby porridge, sushi, dried mangoes, Wasa crackers, bananas, eggs, and she recommends everybody try “ra fisk og Blomkålsuppe” which is raw fish and cauliflower soup. 

How Does Aurora Give Back?

Aurora has a “close relationship” with Mother Earth and is saddened by “how far we’ve come in ruining the only planet we have.” The star says that she’s on a mission to help everyday people realize that they can make a difference. 

She told Vice, “I’ve found a way to combine this with my music, live shows, and fanbase. I want to combine helping the environment with our community around the planet.” 

In June of 2020, Aurora partnered with CHOOOSE, a climate action subscription company. She is only one of very few artists to be verified by CHOOOSE and the United Nations. 

Aurora told CHOOOSE, “I think as humans, we need to find a balance in everything we do. Give back, as much as we consume… The environment is such a heart matter to me. And therefore I wanted to work with CHOOOSE. So the balance is there.”

She continues, “And hopefully making choices like these might inspire people to care as well.”
